January 31, 2024

Law Firm Profitability Metrics: Webinar with John Scott and Kip Bilderback


Operational and financial metrics are an important asset for growing your law firm, but legal professionals often lack the time or training to harness them. In this webinar, you will discover the primary kpis (key performance indicators) to understand and improve your firm’s financial performance. This webinar covers questions including: how much cash a law firm should have in the bank, what a forecast is and why you need one, how metrics can serve as levers to increase profitability, the importance of time tracking (even if you don’t bill hourly) and how to measure your pipeline. You’ll also learn how to compare your metrics to other firms across the legal landscape.

Overall, you’ll leave understanding how you can utilize law firm profitability metrics to improve and grow your firm.

***This webinar is not eligible for CPE credit

In this webinar, you’ll:

  • Discover key metrics for law firms:
    • Cash: How much cash should you have in the bank, based on practice size and type? How do you improve cash flow (without raising rates or even increasing your number of billable hours)?
    • Financial: What is a good profit margin / net income for my firm?
    • Production: How to measure and improve realization rate, utilization rate and more? How can small improvements in operational efficiency boost your bottom line?
    • Pipeline: How can you assess and improve client acquisition and client satisfaction metrics?
  • Explore legal industry benchmarks for key performance indicators.


Designed for:

  • Law partners in all practice areas looking to grow their firm
  • Firm owners looking to learn more about industry specific financial metrics
  • Legal professionals including paralegals and law office managers

Webinar Presenters

John Scott | Tax Partner

John Scott – Partner, Tax, Anders CPAs + Advisors

Kip BilderbackOwner, Bilderback Business Advisors

Watch the replay of our “Harnessing Operational and Financial Metrics to Grow Your Law Firm and Improve Profitability” webinar to learn the law firm operational and profitability metrics you need to grow your firm.

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John Scott | Tax Partner

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  • Discover the freedom that comes from having a financial plan to keep your firm on track.
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