November 28, 2017

Store, Protect and Access Your Data with Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

Technology has made data an essential part of running a business. From customer information to sales statistics, data is a valuable asset used daily to perform tasks and make informed decisions. Unfortunately, if not properly stored and protected, data can also become a company’s greatest liability.

Limitations of Traditional Backup Services

When faced with an IT equipment failure or security breach, it’s important to have a strong backup service in place. Traditional tape or disk backup systems that simply copy and store your data do not offer companies enough protection and come with limitations, including:

  • If a server issue occurs, data cannot be accessed until after an IT Administrator performs a time-consuming, multi-step data restore process
  • If a server fails and must be replaced, data cannot be accessed until the new server is purchased, delivered and restored with the latest backup
  • Limited storage allows for only a certain number of backups to be archived
  • Backup tapes and disks can be stolen or misplaced
  • If a site disaster occurs, data stored on onsite backups may be lost

Features and Benefits of Backup Services That Include Disaster Recovery

The IT industry has turned to backup and disaster recovery services that ensure data is stored, protected and immediately available in the event of a business disruption. These services offer features and benefits that traditional backup does not, including:

  • If a server issue occurs, data can be restored quickly through a readily accessible restore point
  • If a server fails and must be replaced, immediate access to data is available through a virtual machine hosted on the cloud or locally on an appliance
  • Storage is affordable and scalable
  • Many services offer a time based or unlimited backup archive
  • Data is encrypted and secured during transit to the cloud and while stored in cloud datacenters
  • Many services can detect and/or repair corrupt data
  • Recovery services retain deleted data for a certain amount of time
  • Email alerts can be sent to the IT administrator when backup data is deleted

Successful businesses aim to protect their assets and limit their liabilities. By implementing a virtualized data backup and disaster recovery service, you will be doing both in terms of data. Contact an Anders advisor to learn more about how an industry-leading backup and disaster recovery service can benefit your business.

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