July 11, 2017

Steps for Creating an IT Strategic Plan to Align Technology with Business Goals

Creating and implementing an IT plan allows businesses to adapt to technological advances while supporting business goals. Internal IT departments may be too busy dealing with the latest malware alert, error message or other IT issue to develop a strategic, long-term technology plan. To properly manage and grow your business, it is imperative to have a 3 year IT Strategic Plan that will align technology projects with your overall business objectives.

What should be included in an IT Strategic Plan?

To create an effective technology strategy that contributes to the goals of your business, there are necessary components. An IT Strategic Plan should consist of the following:

  1. Timeframe
  2. Purpose – What are the reasons for creating the IT strategic plan?  What will the plan accomplish?
  3. Company strategy
  4. Business initiatives – Initiatives for that time period to support company strategy
  5. IT strategy – Aligned with business needs. Sections of the strategy may be separated by department such as sales or accounting, or by categories such as security, data center and compliance
  6. IT systems – Systems that will be necessary to support the planned business initiatives.  For each initiative, estimate the time, resources, and cost
  7. Gantt chart – Develop a Gantt chart depicting the implementation schedule to ensure resources are available and held accountable for the projects.

Creating an IT strategy and reviewing it often will make sure your IT initiatives and business goals are working together. For more information on creating an effective IT Strategic Plan for your business, contact an Anders Technology advisor, or learn more about Anders Technology Services.

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