May 1, 2018

Avoiding Email Forgery with DKIM Email Validation

With new cases of email breaches and phishing attempts affecting businesses every day, it’s more important than ever to proactively protect your company’s data. Email validation is an easy way to make sure your employees are sending information safely and securely. Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an email validation system designed to detect and prevent email spoofing.

What is DKIM?

DKIM helps combat forged sender addresses that appear to be from legitimate organizations by adding a digital signature in the message header. When you configure DKIM, you authorize your domain to associate, or sign, its name to an email message by using cryptographic authentication. Email systems that receive email from your domain can use this digital signature to help determine if incoming email they receive is legitimate.

Benefits of DKIM

With the use of DKIM, you can ensure that message integrity and content is preserved. DKIM confirms:

  • Sender’s email address and domain is valid
  • Email has not been changed or edited since it was sent
  • Email is not falsely appearing from a particular domain

DKIM is ultimately a free technology once setup and implemented in your organization. After configuration, the email server will automatically attach a special DKIM signature to outgoing emails. It then catches email coming in from unauthorized servers, preventing any fraudulent emails from coming through. DKIM also works on forwarded emails.

If your company notices email spoofing or phishing attempts, DKIM could be a great solution to implement. Along with being an email security best practice, DKIM gives another layer of defense against email scams. Contact an Anders Technology advisor to learn more about implementing DKIM in your company.

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