May 28, 2021

Anders Wins AAM Award for Best Website

Anders received a Marketing Achievement Award for best new website at the 2021 Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM) Summit.

Anders won in the Website category which included website projects with budgets under and over $34,999. The nomination highlighted the firm’s newly redesigned website that launched in May of 2020. Anders worked with St. Louis web design and development agency Integrity Web Consulting on the project. Playing off the unique Anders brand, updated colors and angular shapes are visually represented throughout the website to emphasize and highlight the bold Anders brand. The winning submission highlighted goals and measures of success for the new website, including regaining lost traffic and increasing content engagement through an extensive content audit, putting a focus on SEO and UX best practices and implementing better analytics reporting to make more data-driven decisions.

Twenty-five awards for marketing achievement were presented to accounting marketers on May 24 at AAM’s annual Summit. AAM’s Marketing Achievement Awards feature awards in multiple categories, including advertising, branding, business development initiative, collateral and content marketing, events, marketing and PR campaigns, video and multimedia, website, corporate social responsibility and new this year, best 2020 pivot and diversity, equity and inclusion. Expert category judges, including professionals in marketing, advertising, communications and professional services, reviewed and judged nearly 100 entries. Winning entries were recognized for the accomplishment of a specific goal or objective, executing a project strategically and measurable results.

About the Association for Accounting Marketing

The Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM) is a national trade association and one-of-a-kind network of marketing, business development and growth strategists. The association was formed in 1989 to provide education, community and resources for accounting firms, CPAs, consulting firms and sales professionals, partners, firm administrators and representatives of businesses offering products and services designed for the accounting industry and marketing professionals. AAM is dedicated to promoting excellence and elevating the professional stature of marketing, business development and other practice growth professionals at all career levels by directly impacting their professional development and careers through education, networking and thought leadership to grow people and accounting practices. Learn more about AAM at

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