March 14, 2018

Anders Startup Client Spotlight on Sunstation USA

Each month, we offer our startup clients the opportunity to share their story and showcase their business in our Startup Newsletter. This month’s featured emerging company is the community sunscreen dispenser startup, Sunstation USA.

Name and company

Ross Donaldson of Sunstation USA

When did you start your business?

I built my first sunscreen dispenser prototype in the Sping of 2016 and officially launched the company in the Fall of 2016.

What inspired you to start your business?

My family loves to spend a lot of time outdoors, but we’re always forgetting our sunscreen.  My wife has a background in public health and prevention, and one day after we all got burnt, she said, “you know, there’s hand sanitizer dispensers everywhere, why aren’t there sunscreen dispensers?”  That was it.  A simple solution to the #1 diagnosed cancer in the US.

What city are you based in?

Sunstation USA is proudly based in St. Louis, MO.

What is your product or service?

Sunstation USA is your #1 resource for community sunscreen dispensers.  We work with communities, businesses, and organizations to provide free access to our sunscreen dispensers.

What sets your product or service apart from the competition?

The alternative is remembering every single day to apply sunscreen.  Only 30% of the US wears sunscreen, so we saw a huge problem and an easy solution.  Our sunscreen dispensers are touch-free and easy to use.  They provide 100% all-natural, Eco-friendly, SPF-30 broad spectrum sunscreen, everywhere under the sun!

What is the best business advice you ever received?

Build relationships.  A great product, technology, or idea will only go as far as the relationships you build along the way.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your business?

Sunstation USA is a proud Capital Innovators and Arch Grants recipient.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

I absolutely love to travel and experience different cultures.  It’s important to remember that MY world isn’t THE world.

If people want to learn more about your startup, where should they go?


If you would like your startup company to be considered for an Anders Startup Client Spotlight, please complete our questionnaire.

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