January 16, 2018

Anders Startup Client Spotlight on Displays That Pay, LLC

Each month, we offer our startup clients the opportunity to share their story and showcase their business in our Startup Newsletter. This month’s featured emerging company is the caregiver display startup, Displays That Pay, LLC.

Name and company

Mark Rice of Displays That Pay, LLC

When did you start your business?

February 17, 2014

What inspired you to start your business?

In October of 2016 we made a pivot in our business strategy from trade shows and events to the healthcare market. Our primary target market is the growing population of more than 40 million caregivers seeking hi-tech assistance to help them reduce hi-touch caregiving activities.

In the past few years I found myself in the position of providing “hi-touch” caregiving activities to help both an elderly friend and my aunt. I quickly discovered that caregiving requires a critical balance of time, resources and relationships. I was challenged with my caregiving activities and began to use our display service to keep my loved ones informed of important activities including appointments, reminders, visits and life events. I discovered that I could still be near to my loved ones and, at the same time, extend the reach of caregiving activities through our display technology.

What city are you based in?

St. Louis

What is your product or service?

MyCare Displays – a simple, safe and secure solution for caregivers to extend their reach to loved ones.  By reducing the time to be present with their loved one, caregivers can get back time, rest, recharge and focus on work, family and relationships.

What sets your product or service apart from the competition?

This is the first secure, personalized display service that is available for caregivers, home health agencies and long term care/assisted living facilities. A secure digital tablet is used as a personalized patient portal so caregivers can push reminders related to medication, appointments and home health activities.  The display can be run in “interactive mode” for loved ones that wish to use specific apps or in “kiosk-mode” that provides a locked down single app display.

What is the best business advice you ever received?

Never underestimate the power of packaging, persistence and passion. If one approach or idea is not accepted (that you feel passionate about), repackage it and present it again with a different pitch.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your business?

We are a Verizon Solutions Partner which enables us to provide affordable internet service over cellular connections to residences or facilities where there is restricted or no Wi-Fi.   We have also teamed up with HIPAA Complete, another T-REX company, to provide HIPAA-compliance in the design and delivery of our MyCare Cloud display service.

As cybersecurity is a growing issue in healthcare, we have partnered with HIPAA Complete to launch a Healthcare Hackers webinar series.  Participants can learn practices and procedures from experts in the industry to prepare and protect their facilities from malicious hacking activities.  You can learn more and register at http://healthcarehackers.displaysthatpay.com/.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

Enjoy watching old movies with my spouse, play guitar in our church choir, compose music, be a caregiver for loved ones, walking my dog in the park.

If people want to learn more about your startup, where should they go?






If you would like your startup company to be considered for an Anders Startup Client Spotlight, please complete our questionnaire.

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