April 21, 2020

Tips for Acing Your Next Virtual Job Interview

As recruitment processes for many companies continue to change due to COVID-19, virtual interviews are becoming a normal part of the process. There are many similarities between interviewing in-person and virtually, and ultimately, the end goal is the same. Whether your next virtual interview is done via Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts, below are some tips to consider to help ace your next virtual interview.

Prepare Your Setup

There are many things you can do ahead of time to help get prepared for your virtual interview. First, get yourself comfortable with the technology you will be using for the interview. There are many videoconferencing tools out there today, so be sure you know what system you will be using and that it works properly on your computer. Test out your camera and microphone capabilities and ensure that your internet speed allows for good video quality. It is also important to put yourself in a professional setting. Finding an area where there is a blank wall or a professional scene in the background is best. Most video software allows you to set your own virtual background during your session – if needed, you can always pick a professional virtual background. It is also important to pick a spot where there will be minimal distractions (background noise, lighting issues, etc.). If you are in a shared living space (roommates or family members) it might be a good idea to let them know what time your interview is so they will not interrupt.

Do a Test Run

If possible, ask a friend or family member to do a virtual interview test run with you. Not only will you be able to test the video/audio capabilities, you will also be able to ease some interview nerves by doing a mock interview.

Dress Appropriately

Although it might be hard to get dressed up with nowhere to go, it is important you still dress professionally for your virtual interview. Dress the same as you would if you were going in for a face to face interview. Business professional attire would likely be expected unless otherwise stated in interview instructions.

Prepare Yourself

Same as you would do when going into a face to face interview, be sure you are prepared for the interview. Think about what questions might be asked and how you would respond. Know your resume and be able to speak to your qualifications and skills. Do your research on the company and interview team and be sure to have questions prepared to ask the interview team and what the next steps in the process might be.

Think About Your Body Language

Interviewers can still get a sense for body language in a virtual interview just the same as they can in an in-person interview. Be sure to sit up straight, talk clearly, and maintain eye contact throughout the interview. It can be easy to look at yourself in the computer screen, so try your best to not let that distract you.

Be Yourself

In the end, an interview is designed to get to know the candidate and if they would be a good fit for the team and culture. Be yourself and don’t be afraid to initiate some small talk to get to know one another. This will help you relax and feel more comfortable throughout the interview.

As an interviewer, we understand things happen – kids may rush in at any moment, dogs might be barking at something outside – know that we understand there may be things out of your control, especially during times where you may be playing the role of parent, teacher, and employee. Do your best to eliminate the things that could go wrong, but if they do, apologize and continue on!

Following these tips will hopefully help you ace your next virtual interview and get you into the next round of the recruitment process, or even an offer! By being prepared and being yourself you are sure to make a lasting impression.

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