August 13, 2019

Microsoft Teams: An All-in-One Collaboration Tool for Your Business

Microsoft recently introduced the Teams application into the Office 365 product stack as a replacement for Skype for Business. While Teams is a replacement for Skype’s meetings and messaging, Microsoft expanded the tool, adding even more capabilities to help businesses be more productive. Teams utilizes and combines the existing applications and features in Office 365 into one central hub. In the modern workplace, being able to leverage what Office 365 offers from a single application makes Teams a powerful tool for companies of all sizes.

Collaborating in Teams

Collaboration is what sets Teams apart from other tools. Departments, co-workers and even external users can all work together in one place while utilizing Team’s robust features, including:

  • Instant messaging
  • File sharing
  • Real-time file editing
  • Video calling
  • Desktop screen sharing
  • External file sharing

Securely Access and Organize Information in Teams

Teams uses OneDrive and SharePoint to organize and store files shared within the application, allowing files to be available everywhere and not limited to just your company’s internal network. This ensures everyone has the most up to date version of files and allows multiple people to work on the same document simultaneously. Creating teams and managing the members makes it easy to control permissions and protect sensitive data with minimal effort. Information and communication stays organized by keeping it right where you need it in the specified team, rather than in long email chains or temporary groups chats that make looking back and sifting through to find what you need difficult.

Since Teams lives in Office 365 it makes accessing the application and all it has to offer from anywhere as simple as signing into your Office 365 account from your computer, or even the app on your mobile device. Modern workplaces today and in the future require solutions that offer more, not only in terms of productivity, but also flexibility and collaboration. Microsoft Teams offers that and more by allowing you to access everything that is already great about Office 365 all in one place.

As a Microsoft Gold Partner, the Anders Technology Services Group can make these functionalities come to life in your company. If you are interested in learning more about Microsoft Teams and how it can help your business, contact an Anders advisor.

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