September 15, 2022

Not-for-Profits in the Know Webinar Series: Demystifying Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets

With tons of philanthropic activity happening in the cryptocurrency space, should your organization pursue digital assets? While some of the hype around cryptocurrency has cooled off, we believe it’s here to stay and have dedicated resources to understanding the tax, audit and financial accounting effects of digital currencies. Whether your organization is already holding digital assets on your balance sheet, or you’re interested in learning more about cryptocurrency and reporting requirements, you’ll walk away from this webinar with the information you need.

Watch our recorded webinar get ready to learn:

  • Basic cryptocurrency terminology 
  • What we’re seeing other not-for-profits do with cryptocurrency
  • GAAP and financial statement reporting treatment for cryptocurrency
  • What is coming up for FASB’s fair accounting standards for digital assets
  • Cryptocurrency tax effects on exempt organizations 
  • How to get board buy-in for gifting and accepting cryptocurrency transactions and donations

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