January 26, 2021

5 Ways to Kickstart Your Cybersecurity Efforts

Keeping your company protected from cyberthreats is important, but it’s hard to know where to get started. A personalized, comprehensive cybersecurity plan is recommended to stay ahead of cyberthreats, but there are several tactics and baby steps businesses can take to start building a defense. Below we dive into five low-cost and easy ways to improve your cybersecurity posture that can help you get started and prepare you for developing a robust cybersecurity strategy.

1. Implement Cisco OpenDNS Resolver

Avoid exposing your network to harmful sites and phishing strategies by implementing Cisco OpenDNS resolver. Organizations can use Cisco’s platform to prevent employees from accessing known malicious websites, block phishing sites and prevent virus and malware infections by using Cisco OpenDNS for DNS resolution.

2. Require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA is a method for authentication that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource such as an application, online account or a VPN. MFA asks users to provide a password and another verification method, such as on a smart phone or using facial recognition. Office 365 users can easily implement this type of authentication for an added layer of security. Organizations should implement MFA to reduce the probability of an unauthorized login by 99%.

3. Complete a Dark Web Scan for Employees’ Authentication Information

The dark web is the hidden portion of internet sites only accessible by a specialized web browser. The dark web is used for keeping internet activity anonymous and private, which can aid in both legal and illegal applications. Ask your technology service provider for a dark web scan to see if any personal or business information is present on the dark web. Organizations would benefit from this report by learning how many network accounts are present on the dark web because those accounts could be used to provide a hacker a very quick and easy method to login to a network. Don’t have this service with your technology provider? Contact Anders Technology for a free dark web san.

4. Install an Antivirus

Free antivirus software is easy to find, but not comprehensive or secure enough for business use. Very popular free antivirus vendors have admitted to providing harvested user data to third parties. It’s always a better choice to implement a reputable, robust antivirus software that can more adequately perform security operations like anti-phishing, firewall, tune-up, VPN and web protection. The small fee you’ll pay is a valuable investment in your cybersecurity protection.

5. Complete Software Updates Regularly

Regularly updating your software and patches protects against vulnerabilities and exposed data. Make sure you’re performing consistent updates on Windows, Adobe and all other platforms used. If a vulnerability is made public in a major platform that has been eliminated with a patch, regular updates will ensure this patch is deployed and your data is safe.

These tactics are great ways to get started securing your network, but will only protect against the tip of the iceberg of cybersecurity attacks. Whether you’re looking for supplemental cybersecurity expertise to add to your team, or technology advisors to take care of it all for you, Anders Technology can help you implement cybersecurity best practices to protect you and your organization from evolving threats. Contact an Anders advisor to see how we can help you mitigate security risk and defend against a costly cyberattack.

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