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Carl Toler | Anders CPA

Carl J. Toler, CPA

Principal, Audit and Assurance
| Connect with Carl
  • Audits & Other Attest Engagements
  • DOL Audits of Employee Benefit Plans
  • Gaming
  • Reporting under OMB Circular A-133
  • Pension Funds and Investment Organizations
  • Professional Service Firms
  • Hospitality & Lodging
  • Manufacturing & Distribution
  • Real Estate
  • Internal Control Reviews
  • Consulting to Not-for-Profit Organizations
  • Financial Reporting

Professional Profile

Carl joined the Anders team 25 years ago, and has maintained many clients for nearly that long. He specializes in providing results for clients in the real estate, hospitality and manufacturing industries. Carl also works with not-for-profits and governmental entities. He has also grown several clients from basic tax services into long-term relationships involving multiple audits, compilations, taxes and more. Today, he serves as a principal in our Audit and Assurance group. Carl also has significant experience related to reporting and compliance for employee benefit plans.

Joined the firm in 1990

Education & Certifications

  • B.S., Business Administration, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA), State of Missouri

Professional Organizations

  • Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants (MOCPA)
    • Not-for-Profit Committee
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

Community Leadership

  • Peter and Paul Community Services
    • Volunteer

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