November 15, 2023

ON-DEMAND RECORDINGS – Tread Carefully with TRID – Owning Your Fee Tolerances and Managing Disclosure Documents

Has your financial institution taken its eye off the ball when it comes to TRID disclosures to focus on other priorities? Lending institutions should periodically reexamine their TRID management processes and evaluate its effectiveness as examiners remain laser-focused on the issue. Violations related to the loan estimate and closing disclosure remain common during regulatory examinations and can lead to consumer reimbursement for unfortunate lenders. In this webinar, Anders advisors promote best practices for keeping disclosures within tolerance and other tips to streamline processes to get required documents to your borrowers in a timely manner. 

Our Banking and Financial Institutions team is back with a quarterly webinar series to educate banks on the evolving regulations and compliance requirements impacting the industry today and into the future.  

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