January 17, 2014

Anders Promotes Berger to Principal; Piglia to Senior Financial Analyst

Anders has named Robert L. Berger, CPA/CGMA, a principal and promoted Marcelle H. Piglia, CPA/CFF to Senior Financial Analyst.  The announcement was made at the Firm Meeting on Saturday January 11.

Berger is the director of the Anders Real Estate and Construction group and provides direction to clients on cost segregation analyses, energy tax credits, like-kind exchanges and other specific industry services.  He is currently leading the group in informing clients about Repair Regulations.  He also works with clients on corporate tax consulting, retirement planning and assists closely-held business owners on individual and corporate tax consulting, and QuickBooks® implementation.

In 2012, Berger was selected to participate in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Leadership Academy, which is made up of 36 young CPAs from across the country. As a result, he has been named to the American Institute of Public Accountants (AICPA) Gen Next Task Force. He also serves on the Young Leaders Board and is a Liaison to the Board of Directors for the Wyman Center, is the Treasurer and Golf Committee Chair of the Board for the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), and is a member of the Missouri Society of Public Accountants (MSCPA) Firm Leadership Committee. Rob started at the firm as an intern in 1999. Berger holds a B.A., Accounting from McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois.

Piglia is a member of the Anders Forensic and Valuation Services group (FVS), specializing in valuation, litigation and audits for closely held businesses. She provides research, analysis and reporting for litigation engagements, including economic damages and lost profits, wages and divorce. Piglia works on various forensic accounting projects, specifically involving alleged assets misappropriation and corruption frauds. She recently earned her CFF (Certified in Financial Forensics) designation from the AICPA, and serves on the Steering Committee of the Anders Young Professionals Group.  She is a frequent speaker on fraud topics and most recently presented Three Common Mistakes that Open the Door to Business Fraud as part of the 2013 Anders Speaker Series, and spoke on fraud related topics at three MSCPA CFS Conferences.  She is also an author and blogger and was published in Money Talks in January with Breaking Bad: A Case Student in Accounting Fraud.  Marcelle is a member of the Professional Women’s Alliance (PWA) and the Louisiana State University Alumni Association.

Marcelle received her Masters of Accounting from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and her B.S., Finance from Louisiana State University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA.

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